Artiest Mainstreet
Naam van het lied Dear Kitty
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Dear Kitty, What have they done, with so many lives are lost how can were we one? Dear Kitty, You showed the world, you made a dream come true when you told us about this girl. Dear Kitty, You kept all her secrets if, listening each day while she sleeps, youre the voice when she can't speak. Dear Kitty, Where do we go, when you run from who you are and lose every one you know? Dear Kitty, You lost a friend but words can come alive so a story never end. Dear Kitty, You kept all her secrets if, listening each day while she sleeps, youre the voice when she cant speak. Dear Kitty, What have they done, with so many lives are lost how can were we one? Dear Kitty, you kept all her secrets if, listening each day while she sleeps, youre the voice when she cant speak, (day while she sleeps) youre the voice when she can't speak. Dear Kitty. Dear Kitty.